
Friday, December 24, 2010

Yawning Is there any benefit?

Every person, even since I was in the womb, has evaporated. Most vertebrate species, even birds and fish also evaporate, or at least make a move like a yawn. However, psychological mechanisms, the purpose and significance of yawning activity is still a mystery to the experts.

Actually had quite a lot of research trying to uncover the benefits of this yawning. But research carried out Dr.Adrian G. Guggisberg and published in the journal Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews mentions none of the theories that are proven.

Father of medicine Hippocrates states will evaporate out the "dirty air" and increase "good air" into the brain. In the modern view, the theory is defined as activities evaporate will increase oxygen levels in the blood and reduce carbon dioxide.

According Guggisberg, if the theory is correct, then it should be people who are exercising more often evaporate. Moreover, people with lung or heart disease are often deprived of oxygen, it turns out menguapnya same frequency with healthy people.

In a measurement of healthy people who are also known to high carbon dioxide levels, not yawn more frequently. In fact there is no research that can prove that the oxygen levels in the brain can change because of a yawn.

In other words, the research shows the best way to increase oxygen levels in the blood is to inhale more often, not yawn.

The frequency of yawning usually increases before and after waking. Feeling bored and tired also can cause us to yawn more often. Then came the hypothesis of yawning will make us more fresh.

When the researchers tried to prove through the observation of brain activity using EEG (encephalography), did not find any sense of cautious improvement in the brain or central nervous system.

Guggisberg also mentioned that the activity does not evaporate can help equalize the pressure in the ear because this function can be replaced by swallowing or chewing.

He argues it is not contagious yawning really like the theory that recently disclosed researchers from the United States. "A solitary species was also yawning, so not only humans and chimpanzees are social creatures that evaporate," he said.

Researchers from the University of Geneva, Switzerland, said yawning is a rich and complex phenomenon. Currently we are not able to uncover the mystery of yawning, but later there will be experts who can explain to us what exactly the benefits of these activities that seem trivial.

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