
Saturday, December 25, 2010

Osteoporosis : 4 Types of Exercise recommended

Here are four types of physical exercise such as people with osteoporosis may be explained Dr Tanya TM Rotikan, Sp KO, from the Faculty of medicine:

1. Walk regularly with a speed of approximately 4.5 km (4 mph) per hour for 50 minutes, 5 times a week.

2. Exercising muscle strength. Perform weight-bearing exercise with little or Dumbell exercise machine. Weight training especially emphasized to the pelvic region, thighs, back, arms, wrists, and shoulders.

3. Doing exercises to improve body balance and agility.

4. Perform back extension exercises. Exercises performed with his back arched in a sufficient degree of safety. This exercise can be done by sitting in a chair. This exercise is in contrast to dorsal flexion movement, which is to be avoided.

Exercises not to do people with osteoporosis:
1. Exercises that give shape and loading on the spine because it can lead to fractures in the spine segment. In other words, do not jump, hard impact aerobics (high impact), jogging, or running.

2. Bending forward from the waist with a curved back (spinal flexion) because it can cause damage to the vertebrae. For example, sit ups, crunches, rowing, reach your toes.

3. Sports are easily cause falls, such as gymnastics or trampoline stools. Do not practice on the floor is slippery.

4. Moving the leg to the side or cross body by using the load (abduction and adduction). Already weak hip fracture easily due to this movement
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Found, Gene Cause Male Infertility

Scientists have cracked the gene is the cause of unexplained infertility (Unexplained) in men. Although only in its early stages, the findings are expected to assist physicians in dealing with men with the condition.

In many cases of infertility, doctors often fail to find the cause of infertility in men. However, this infertility often occurs in a family that experts suspect there may be genetic factors are responsible.

In recent research, experts examine the NR5A1 gene are indeed involved in sexual development in men and women. This gene mutation was found in the development of the testicles or ovaries. The experts believe, disruption in these genes would affect a man's ability to produce sperm.

"We conclude around 4 percent of men who experienced Unexplained infertility due to failure to produce sperm has already mutated gene NR5A1," the researchers said in a report.

Criteria based on the state of male fertility sperm according to WHO, among others, have 2-5 millimeters of cement that comes out in a single ejaculation. In each milimeternya there are more than 15 million sperm cells. Sperm required for fertilization is a straight motion. Sperm that do not have great movement will come out again with seminal fluid.
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Varicose veins in Pregnancy

The hell yes because not only raise the legs onto the pillow while sleeping, and varicose veins come from? It could be that only parents of old fears are exaggerated.

Varicose veins occur when veins under the skin or mucous membranes (mucosa) wide and curved or circular valve due to abnormalities in blood vessels. The most easily visible presence turquoise lines such as "worms" that extends the leg.

Worms or tonjolon it actually is damming of blood flow that occurs in blood vessels behind the (venous). The function of normal veins and healthy is to bring the dirty blood (blood which contains carbon dioxide) back to the heart.

Having to work against gravity, the veins are designed to have a series of valves that prevent blood flow turned it over. When the valve is missing, the blood tends to gather in the veins that have a large pull of gravity, such as the legs and anus.

Well, because clogged, blood flow also look for alternative ways through other vessels are smaller, located more deeply. "Varicose veins are not only appears at the foot," said Dr. Agus Supriyadi, SpOG, from RSAB Harapan Kita, Jakarta.

Varicose veins can also appear on other body parts, like hands, stomach, rectum (large intestine near the anus), vagina, scrotum, and vulva (genital lips). Some things can be a cause of varicose veins as well as risk factors, namely:

Hormonal Factors

During pregnancy there was an increase progesterone hormone which makes the elasticity of blood vessel walls increases so that the walls of blood vessels (both arteries and veins) that result in more flexible blood vessels become bigger and wider. On the one hand, dilation of blood vessels is necessary to meet the needs of the fetus, ie, for blood flow and blood volume tersuplai well, up to normal fetal growth.

Uterine pressure

Uterine pressure also contributed to the rise of varicose veins. An increasingly enlarged belly will inhibit the work of blood vessels. Generally varicose veins occur in the pelvic area and lower limbs. This is because the blood vessels in this area are closely related to the uterus.

Standing too long

Pregnant women who because of the demands of work / situation every day have to stand still for a long time or just sit and hold without a lot of moves are also more likely to have varicose veins. This happened because of gravity makes leg muscles work harder to pump blood upwards.


Pregnant women who experience weight gain more than 12-15 kg would burden the flow of blood vessels in the legs.


Parents who have varicose veins during pregnancy reduce the risk of the same thing to her child.

Prevent before it happens

In part that there are varicose veins are generally going to hurt / pain, itching, accompanied by a bluish discoloration of skin. Approximately 20-30 percent of pregnant women have varicose veins. Most often appears on the second or third trimester of pregnancy. The best step you can do is take reasonable precautions, such as:

Raising the legs

Raise the leg on a pillow so that a lower head position is a precautionary measure. The position that enables blood flow to the legs better.

Sleeping position

Advised to sleep on his side to the left so that the veins to the heart that lies behind the uterus slightly to the right is not depressed.

Many moves

Pregnant women are also advised many moves every day, do not just stand or sit still. Many of the motion allows the circulation of blood run more smoothly. Gymnastics is also recommended for pregnant mothers should exercise appropriate.

Consumption of healthy foods

Increase intake of which contain natural antioxidants such as fruits and vegetables fresh. High fiber foods can also prevent varicose veins in the anus (hemorrhoids / ambient) and vagina.

Comfortable clothing

Wear comfortable clothing, not too tight / narrow so that blood circulation is interrupted. Let's not also use high-heeled shoes, or a maximum of 2 cm, in addition to unsafe and uncomfortable for pregnant women, can also cause blood flow is not smooth.
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Smallpox during pregnancy, it's dangerous?

Pregnant women are particularly vulnerable to bacterial infections, viruses, and parasites. This is because physiologically, the pregnant woman's immune system decline. Infections can be bad for the mother and fetus. One frequent concern is the infection of smallpox.

Fetal immune system is newly formed at 12 weeks gestation. At 26 weeks gestational age, fetal immune system is similar to her mother. At birth, the baby still gets antibodies from the mother. Slowly, two months later antibodies in infants decreased. Vulnerable conditions make a pregnant woman had to be extra attention on the health of himself to avoid the infection, one of them smallpox.

Small risk
There have been a pregnant female colleagues who are very worried exposed to smallpox. "Afraid of Nothing with my baby," he said. Smallpox in question is the chicken pox or varicella. The stranger called chickenpox.

Smallpox is caused by the varicella zoster virus (VZV) or also called human herpes virus-3 (HHV-3). These viruses enter the latent viral DNA in living ganglion (ganglion) the back after the primary infection.

Approximately 80-90 percent of adults were infected with smallpox, and thus have immunity. In those never exposed, the virus is not completely lost from the body. The virus hides in certain nerve, and one day could be active again in the form of herpes zoster infection

When the new primary infection occurs during adulthood, the clinical disease arising will be more severe. This includes when it occurs in pregnant women and those with complications of the disease.

Chickenpox infection in the first trimester of pregnancy can cause birth defects such as inflammation in the retina of the eye (korioretinitis), no development of large parts of the brain (cerebral cortex atrophy), an enlarged kidney (hydronephrosis), and abnormalities in bone and skin.

If the infection attacks the pregnancy at age less than 13 weeks, the possibility of birth defects that occurred about 0.2 percent. While the infection occurred in 13-20 weeks gestational age, the infection increased to 0.4 to 2 percent. However, if infection occurs after 20 weeks of gestation, generally do not occur abnormalities. Keep in mind that the incubation period of varicella is less than two weeks.

Vaccine VZIG
If delivery occurs before the incubation period or right at the time of childbirth, the baby will be infected. And can cause defects in the gut and central nervous system, given the antibodies in the mother's body has not been established. Therefore, infants born to be a special immunization shots as a precaution.

Immune substances recommended by the CDC and Prevention 1996 as an act of prevention of smallpox is varicella zoster immunoglobulin (VZIG). The dose is 125 U/10 kg body weight, a maximum of 5 vials for pre or post-infection.

Yet not every pregnant woman needs an injection of vaccine. Simply ask medical history, whether already have had chickenpox or have not. When you've got, of course already have antibodies.

While the mother who has not been exposed to smallpox, a high risk of contracting chicken pox. Moreover, when in the neighborhood where he lived was infected with smallpox outbreak. Mother is a priority to get the vaccine VZIG.

The vaccine can be given to pregnant women before delivery and newborn. The principle VZIG is given within the period of 96 hours after exposure to smallpox infection.

In infants, injections given 5 days before and after birth with VZIG vaccine or zoster immunoglobulin (zig). Giving this vaccine in infants still allow 30-40 percent of infants infected with the virus remains.

In other words, this vaccine can protect 60-70 percent of infected infants from the risk of complications and death. There is also another vaccine, which is varivax live virus vaccine. However, this does not direkomendaskan vaccine for pregnant women.

Avoid direct contact
Another way of prevention, ie avoiding direct contact with those who are sick. Transmission can occur from 48 hours before the first rash until 5 days later. Chicken pox can be transmitted through breathing air, direct contact with liquid rash, and contact with the goods affected by a rash of fluid such as sheets, blankets, and towels.

Papules and vesicles that have not dried also contains a lot of viruses and potentially spread it. Smallpox during pregnancy with the virus in the blood (viremia), can spread through the placenta to the fetus.

Given very susceptible to infection, it is important for pregnant women to maintain their health, among others, by always rnengonsumsi nutritious food.
In case of smallpox infection when pregnant, do not be too worried. Risk of birth defects is not too large, but still must be vigilant. Immediately consult a gynecologist in order to obtain information and appropriate treatment.
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5 Important Tests for Women's Health

Not a few diseases that secretly undermine the body without ever causing symptoms. That's why a medical examination be performed, at least once a year. Especially if it pertained dilakoni lifestyle is not healthy.

Here are the types of tests needed for women's health.

Mammography When you include people who have a high risk of developing breast cancer (have a family history), it is advisable to perform mammography from the age of 40 years. In addition to mammogram, it is advisable to perform breast self examination every month to detect any abnormalities in the breast.

Thyroid Test Weight loss despite increased appetite, anxiety, sweating, swelling at the base of the neck, a symptom of hyperthyroidism disease. Women more likely than men suffer from this disease. Hyperthyroidism can result in serious if not treated. Complications include heart problems. This disease can be detected by blood tests.

Pap smear Starting from the age of 21 years, unless you've had sex before, every woman is recommended to do pap smear test to detect signs of cervical cancer.

Eye exam If you use glasses or contact lenses, visit the eye doctor for eye examination every year. Women are more prone to disorders of the eye, such as dry eye syndrome or autoimmune diseases that affect the health of the sense of sight.

A blood test after blood test basis to determine cholesterol levels at age 20 years, at least not repeat this test at the age of 40 years. Check your cholesterol and your blood sugar because of the risk of heart disease and diabetes increases with age.
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Friday, December 24, 2010

Pregnant Women, Do not Watch Horror Movies!

Emotional changes experienced by pregnant women will have an effect on her fetus. Therefore, pregnant women should avoid stress because stress CAN inhibits oxygen intake to the fetus. A relaxed mind will create a comfortable pregnancy and fetal health.

The experts recommend that pregnant women avoid things that can cause stress. One of the things that need to be avoided is a suspenseful movie. This is because the fetus can feel the strong emotions felt by his mother.

In a research note, while mothers watch a fun movie, like The Sound of Music, the fetus will also be calm and happy. Meanwhile, when the mother watching horror movies or movies that drain the tears, the fetus involved was silent and weaker as the mother's emotional turmoil.

Although not yet known how the fetus is able to identify differences in mother's emotions, but experts suspect that hormonal changes triggered by the emotions generated by the film will be transmitted indirectly to the fetus.

In that study, 10 pregnant women were asked to watch a different movie genre piece, namely the film The Sound of Music and drain the tear film, The Champ. Then the experts to monitor the fetal movements performed while their mothers watch such films using ultrasound scanning.

Various literature has mentioned pregnant women who suffer from stress at high risk for preterm delivery. Babies born to mothers who have high levels of stress are also known to lower intelligence, hyperactivity and tend to emotional problems.
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Sin and Religion

Religion should reconcile. However, the religion that emphasizes the bad appraisals to establish a negative self-image. Religion is simply understood and used as a form of punishment (to yourself and others) will only be destroyed.

A young girl sent this letter: "Mama's good, every morning to cook for me, working for the money to me. But it is also very easy to anger. As a kid I had to take a nap for fear of being punished. I do not dare to think of rattan-held duster accompany me mama any homework or studying. I have to be perfect and can answer all questions. I'm really slow thinking and sensitive to the bark.

When Mom snapped, I burst into tears. Mama will get angry because I was too mellow. In adolescence I was embarrassed by my appearance alone. I often disagree with mama, and it often ends with a shout-shout from mama. I'm sorry for my mama, who is very devoted to the father but treated roughly and humiliated, despised by the poor. I promised in my heart, a moment when I got married, I would like to invite my mom stayed with me. But each different opinions even mama says: "Do not know thank you! I would not want to stay with you, do not understand religion, rebellious child ...!'

I'm really innocent. Sin. Sin. Sin. Evil. Evil. Disobedience. I scold myself who disagree with Mom and stupid. I'm embarrassed, I was helpless. I remember shouts: 'Stupid! Feeling smart, but do not know anything! Damn! Dogs! Son of Satan! I'm sure, later on if you have a husband, he'll beat you! '. Mama said, though people always praise me but mama never been proud even know who I am ashamed because that does not really understand religion.

I want to go. But religion says I should not be faithless, should keep the parents. I told my brother, I want to boarding. He immediately shouted angry and threaten me, "If anything happens to my mom, all that is wrong with you!! Understand you?!! "Brak! The door was slammed.

I fail to go. Not able to imagine yourself feeling guilty letting my mom survived by a husband who never gave a dime since their marriage. I hope that religion helped me become more mature to accept the reality of life, feel more serene and peaceful. But until now, even I still hate myself, not to make peace with yourself. "

Personal life

If education in a home filled with insults and negative judgments, demands that are one-way, and not reciprocal, it is even possible to destroy religion. Differentiate with a more positive situation when parents give a concrete example, deliver praise when the child is well accepted, reprimand in positive language, not a double standard (simply sue other parties, but did not apply the rules for themselves).

In personal life and interpersonal relationships, the situation is very complex. Man has its own growth impulses: the need to have a positive self-image, would like to develop in accordance with the disposition of each unique, and motivated to protect themselves when treated badly by others.

On the other hand, we also want to be assessed positively by others, and try as much as possible conform to the judgments and expectations of others. As a result, often inner conflicts that sometimes settle in the long term is very painful. In the parent-child relationship, illustrated above can give a picture. Poor self-image and painful situation can also occur in a conjugal relationship and in other interpersonal relationships.

Social life

In social life, the situation is far more complex. If we are strong and beliefs contained by normative rules about how to perform religious rituals and behave the "right" and "should", we may appreciate the "big push" to ensure not only ourselves, but also other people to obey the normative rules them.

We want to make sure not only we who run the rule, but also others. We will use our moral standard to measure others, for messing-compartmentalize groups that exist in society, perhaps even forcing others to behave according to our view about the truth.

So then can happen to discrimination and violence on the other parties are considered bad in the name of faith or religious teaching. The situation is worse again when religious beliefs become politicized and exploited for the benefit of outside religions (eg, economic gain to sell product X, Y president won election in which a leader may be considered only men, or only people from religion Y).

Global Issues

The world today is full of problems; increasingly congested and narrow for occupancy, the more need of courage and "heart attitude" to compete and beat the other party. In such situations, fear and suspicion between groups can become increasingly sharp. As a result, discrimination and violence are also more prone to occur.

In one parallel session in Law and Punishment of the conference held at the University of Indonesia, Depok, 28 November-1 December 2010, presented by Prof. Dr. Marilyn Porter of Canada that the Canadian real friction-friction also occurs between groups. If minority groups in Indonesia (in the broad sense) as if being forced to become "equal" and should not be different, so also in Quebec, a province in Canada, which tends to homogeneous and filled with French-speaking Canadians. And the more vulnerable seems the same, namely women, whose behavior and how berbusananya set-set.

In Indonesia, Muslim women who did not rule the head may comment on "less religious". In Quebec, Muslim women who want to close the head may be ready to be discriminated against. So, the issue is not on religion or belief flow of X, Y, and Z, but on how people interpret. Is religion to be mere ideology to be exploited for their own interests, or the spirituality that really liberating, enlivening, and reconcile?
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