
Saturday, December 25, 2010

Osteoporosis : 4 Types of Exercise recommended

Here are four types of physical exercise such as people with osteoporosis may be explained Dr Tanya TM Rotikan, Sp KO, from the Faculty of medicine:

1. Walk regularly with a speed of approximately 4.5 km (4 mph) per hour for 50 minutes, 5 times a week.

2. Exercising muscle strength. Perform weight-bearing exercise with little or Dumbell exercise machine. Weight training especially emphasized to the pelvic region, thighs, back, arms, wrists, and shoulders.

3. Doing exercises to improve body balance and agility.

4. Perform back extension exercises. Exercises performed with his back arched in a sufficient degree of safety. This exercise can be done by sitting in a chair. This exercise is in contrast to dorsal flexion movement, which is to be avoided.

Exercises not to do people with osteoporosis:
1. Exercises that give shape and loading on the spine because it can lead to fractures in the spine segment. In other words, do not jump, hard impact aerobics (high impact), jogging, or running.

2. Bending forward from the waist with a curved back (spinal flexion) because it can cause damage to the vertebrae. For example, sit ups, crunches, rowing, reach your toes.

3. Sports are easily cause falls, such as gymnastics or trampoline stools. Do not practice on the floor is slippery.

4. Moving the leg to the side or cross body by using the load (abduction and adduction). Already weak hip fracture easily due to this movement
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Found, Gene Cause Male Infertility

Scientists have cracked the gene is the cause of unexplained infertility (Unexplained) in men. Although only in its early stages, the findings are expected to assist physicians in dealing with men with the condition.

In many cases of infertility, doctors often fail to find the cause of infertility in men. However, this infertility often occurs in a family that experts suspect there may be genetic factors are responsible.

In recent research, experts examine the NR5A1 gene are indeed involved in sexual development in men and women. This gene mutation was found in the development of the testicles or ovaries. The experts believe, disruption in these genes would affect a man's ability to produce sperm.

"We conclude around 4 percent of men who experienced Unexplained infertility due to failure to produce sperm has already mutated gene NR5A1," the researchers said in a report.

Criteria based on the state of male fertility sperm according to WHO, among others, have 2-5 millimeters of cement that comes out in a single ejaculation. In each milimeternya there are more than 15 million sperm cells. Sperm required for fertilization is a straight motion. Sperm that do not have great movement will come out again with seminal fluid.
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Varicose veins in Pregnancy

The hell yes because not only raise the legs onto the pillow while sleeping, and varicose veins come from? It could be that only parents of old fears are exaggerated.

Varicose veins occur when veins under the skin or mucous membranes (mucosa) wide and curved or circular valve due to abnormalities in blood vessels. The most easily visible presence turquoise lines such as "worms" that extends the leg.

Worms or tonjolon it actually is damming of blood flow that occurs in blood vessels behind the (venous). The function of normal veins and healthy is to bring the dirty blood (blood which contains carbon dioxide) back to the heart.

Having to work against gravity, the veins are designed to have a series of valves that prevent blood flow turned it over. When the valve is missing, the blood tends to gather in the veins that have a large pull of gravity, such as the legs and anus.

Well, because clogged, blood flow also look for alternative ways through other vessels are smaller, located more deeply. "Varicose veins are not only appears at the foot," said Dr. Agus Supriyadi, SpOG, from RSAB Harapan Kita, Jakarta.

Varicose veins can also appear on other body parts, like hands, stomach, rectum (large intestine near the anus), vagina, scrotum, and vulva (genital lips). Some things can be a cause of varicose veins as well as risk factors, namely:

Hormonal Factors

During pregnancy there was an increase progesterone hormone which makes the elasticity of blood vessel walls increases so that the walls of blood vessels (both arteries and veins) that result in more flexible blood vessels become bigger and wider. On the one hand, dilation of blood vessels is necessary to meet the needs of the fetus, ie, for blood flow and blood volume tersuplai well, up to normal fetal growth.

Uterine pressure

Uterine pressure also contributed to the rise of varicose veins. An increasingly enlarged belly will inhibit the work of blood vessels. Generally varicose veins occur in the pelvic area and lower limbs. This is because the blood vessels in this area are closely related to the uterus.

Standing too long

Pregnant women who because of the demands of work / situation every day have to stand still for a long time or just sit and hold without a lot of moves are also more likely to have varicose veins. This happened because of gravity makes leg muscles work harder to pump blood upwards.


Pregnant women who experience weight gain more than 12-15 kg would burden the flow of blood vessels in the legs.


Parents who have varicose veins during pregnancy reduce the risk of the same thing to her child.

Prevent before it happens

In part that there are varicose veins are generally going to hurt / pain, itching, accompanied by a bluish discoloration of skin. Approximately 20-30 percent of pregnant women have varicose veins. Most often appears on the second or third trimester of pregnancy. The best step you can do is take reasonable precautions, such as:

Raising the legs

Raise the leg on a pillow so that a lower head position is a precautionary measure. The position that enables blood flow to the legs better.

Sleeping position

Advised to sleep on his side to the left so that the veins to the heart that lies behind the uterus slightly to the right is not depressed.

Many moves

Pregnant women are also advised many moves every day, do not just stand or sit still. Many of the motion allows the circulation of blood run more smoothly. Gymnastics is also recommended for pregnant mothers should exercise appropriate.

Consumption of healthy foods

Increase intake of which contain natural antioxidants such as fruits and vegetables fresh. High fiber foods can also prevent varicose veins in the anus (hemorrhoids / ambient) and vagina.

Comfortable clothing

Wear comfortable clothing, not too tight / narrow so that blood circulation is interrupted. Let's not also use high-heeled shoes, or a maximum of 2 cm, in addition to unsafe and uncomfortable for pregnant women, can also cause blood flow is not smooth.
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Smallpox during pregnancy, it's dangerous?

Pregnant women are particularly vulnerable to bacterial infections, viruses, and parasites. This is because physiologically, the pregnant woman's immune system decline. Infections can be bad for the mother and fetus. One frequent concern is the infection of smallpox.

Fetal immune system is newly formed at 12 weeks gestation. At 26 weeks gestational age, fetal immune system is similar to her mother. At birth, the baby still gets antibodies from the mother. Slowly, two months later antibodies in infants decreased. Vulnerable conditions make a pregnant woman had to be extra attention on the health of himself to avoid the infection, one of them smallpox.

Small risk
There have been a pregnant female colleagues who are very worried exposed to smallpox. "Afraid of Nothing with my baby," he said. Smallpox in question is the chicken pox or varicella. The stranger called chickenpox.

Smallpox is caused by the varicella zoster virus (VZV) or also called human herpes virus-3 (HHV-3). These viruses enter the latent viral DNA in living ganglion (ganglion) the back after the primary infection.

Approximately 80-90 percent of adults were infected with smallpox, and thus have immunity. In those never exposed, the virus is not completely lost from the body. The virus hides in certain nerve, and one day could be active again in the form of herpes zoster infection

When the new primary infection occurs during adulthood, the clinical disease arising will be more severe. This includes when it occurs in pregnant women and those with complications of the disease.

Chickenpox infection in the first trimester of pregnancy can cause birth defects such as inflammation in the retina of the eye (korioretinitis), no development of large parts of the brain (cerebral cortex atrophy), an enlarged kidney (hydronephrosis), and abnormalities in bone and skin.

If the infection attacks the pregnancy at age less than 13 weeks, the possibility of birth defects that occurred about 0.2 percent. While the infection occurred in 13-20 weeks gestational age, the infection increased to 0.4 to 2 percent. However, if infection occurs after 20 weeks of gestation, generally do not occur abnormalities. Keep in mind that the incubation period of varicella is less than two weeks.

Vaccine VZIG
If delivery occurs before the incubation period or right at the time of childbirth, the baby will be infected. And can cause defects in the gut and central nervous system, given the antibodies in the mother's body has not been established. Therefore, infants born to be a special immunization shots as a precaution.

Immune substances recommended by the CDC and Prevention 1996 as an act of prevention of smallpox is varicella zoster immunoglobulin (VZIG). The dose is 125 U/10 kg body weight, a maximum of 5 vials for pre or post-infection.

Yet not every pregnant woman needs an injection of vaccine. Simply ask medical history, whether already have had chickenpox or have not. When you've got, of course already have antibodies.

While the mother who has not been exposed to smallpox, a high risk of contracting chicken pox. Moreover, when in the neighborhood where he lived was infected with smallpox outbreak. Mother is a priority to get the vaccine VZIG.

The vaccine can be given to pregnant women before delivery and newborn. The principle VZIG is given within the period of 96 hours after exposure to smallpox infection.

In infants, injections given 5 days before and after birth with VZIG vaccine or zoster immunoglobulin (zig). Giving this vaccine in infants still allow 30-40 percent of infants infected with the virus remains.

In other words, this vaccine can protect 60-70 percent of infected infants from the risk of complications and death. There is also another vaccine, which is varivax live virus vaccine. However, this does not direkomendaskan vaccine for pregnant women.

Avoid direct contact
Another way of prevention, ie avoiding direct contact with those who are sick. Transmission can occur from 48 hours before the first rash until 5 days later. Chicken pox can be transmitted through breathing air, direct contact with liquid rash, and contact with the goods affected by a rash of fluid such as sheets, blankets, and towels.

Papules and vesicles that have not dried also contains a lot of viruses and potentially spread it. Smallpox during pregnancy with the virus in the blood (viremia), can spread through the placenta to the fetus.

Given very susceptible to infection, it is important for pregnant women to maintain their health, among others, by always rnengonsumsi nutritious food.
In case of smallpox infection when pregnant, do not be too worried. Risk of birth defects is not too large, but still must be vigilant. Immediately consult a gynecologist in order to obtain information and appropriate treatment.
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5 Important Tests for Women's Health

Not a few diseases that secretly undermine the body without ever causing symptoms. That's why a medical examination be performed, at least once a year. Especially if it pertained dilakoni lifestyle is not healthy.

Here are the types of tests needed for women's health.

Mammography When you include people who have a high risk of developing breast cancer (have a family history), it is advisable to perform mammography from the age of 40 years. In addition to mammogram, it is advisable to perform breast self examination every month to detect any abnormalities in the breast.

Thyroid Test Weight loss despite increased appetite, anxiety, sweating, swelling at the base of the neck, a symptom of hyperthyroidism disease. Women more likely than men suffer from this disease. Hyperthyroidism can result in serious if not treated. Complications include heart problems. This disease can be detected by blood tests.

Pap smear Starting from the age of 21 years, unless you've had sex before, every woman is recommended to do pap smear test to detect signs of cervical cancer.

Eye exam If you use glasses or contact lenses, visit the eye doctor for eye examination every year. Women are more prone to disorders of the eye, such as dry eye syndrome or autoimmune diseases that affect the health of the sense of sight.

A blood test after blood test basis to determine cholesterol levels at age 20 years, at least not repeat this test at the age of 40 years. Check your cholesterol and your blood sugar because of the risk of heart disease and diabetes increases with age.
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Friday, December 24, 2010

Pregnant Women, Do not Watch Horror Movies!

Emotional changes experienced by pregnant women will have an effect on her fetus. Therefore, pregnant women should avoid stress because stress CAN inhibits oxygen intake to the fetus. A relaxed mind will create a comfortable pregnancy and fetal health.

The experts recommend that pregnant women avoid things that can cause stress. One of the things that need to be avoided is a suspenseful movie. This is because the fetus can feel the strong emotions felt by his mother.

In a research note, while mothers watch a fun movie, like The Sound of Music, the fetus will also be calm and happy. Meanwhile, when the mother watching horror movies or movies that drain the tears, the fetus involved was silent and weaker as the mother's emotional turmoil.

Although not yet known how the fetus is able to identify differences in mother's emotions, but experts suspect that hormonal changes triggered by the emotions generated by the film will be transmitted indirectly to the fetus.

In that study, 10 pregnant women were asked to watch a different movie genre piece, namely the film The Sound of Music and drain the tear film, The Champ. Then the experts to monitor the fetal movements performed while their mothers watch such films using ultrasound scanning.

Various literature has mentioned pregnant women who suffer from stress at high risk for preterm delivery. Babies born to mothers who have high levels of stress are also known to lower intelligence, hyperactivity and tend to emotional problems.
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Sin and Religion

Religion should reconcile. However, the religion that emphasizes the bad appraisals to establish a negative self-image. Religion is simply understood and used as a form of punishment (to yourself and others) will only be destroyed.

A young girl sent this letter: "Mama's good, every morning to cook for me, working for the money to me. But it is also very easy to anger. As a kid I had to take a nap for fear of being punished. I do not dare to think of rattan-held duster accompany me mama any homework or studying. I have to be perfect and can answer all questions. I'm really slow thinking and sensitive to the bark.

When Mom snapped, I burst into tears. Mama will get angry because I was too mellow. In adolescence I was embarrassed by my appearance alone. I often disagree with mama, and it often ends with a shout-shout from mama. I'm sorry for my mama, who is very devoted to the father but treated roughly and humiliated, despised by the poor. I promised in my heart, a moment when I got married, I would like to invite my mom stayed with me. But each different opinions even mama says: "Do not know thank you! I would not want to stay with you, do not understand religion, rebellious child ...!'

I'm really innocent. Sin. Sin. Sin. Evil. Evil. Disobedience. I scold myself who disagree with Mom and stupid. I'm embarrassed, I was helpless. I remember shouts: 'Stupid! Feeling smart, but do not know anything! Damn! Dogs! Son of Satan! I'm sure, later on if you have a husband, he'll beat you! '. Mama said, though people always praise me but mama never been proud even know who I am ashamed because that does not really understand religion.

I want to go. But religion says I should not be faithless, should keep the parents. I told my brother, I want to boarding. He immediately shouted angry and threaten me, "If anything happens to my mom, all that is wrong with you!! Understand you?!! "Brak! The door was slammed.

I fail to go. Not able to imagine yourself feeling guilty letting my mom survived by a husband who never gave a dime since their marriage. I hope that religion helped me become more mature to accept the reality of life, feel more serene and peaceful. But until now, even I still hate myself, not to make peace with yourself. "

Personal life

If education in a home filled with insults and negative judgments, demands that are one-way, and not reciprocal, it is even possible to destroy religion. Differentiate with a more positive situation when parents give a concrete example, deliver praise when the child is well accepted, reprimand in positive language, not a double standard (simply sue other parties, but did not apply the rules for themselves).

In personal life and interpersonal relationships, the situation is very complex. Man has its own growth impulses: the need to have a positive self-image, would like to develop in accordance with the disposition of each unique, and motivated to protect themselves when treated badly by others.

On the other hand, we also want to be assessed positively by others, and try as much as possible conform to the judgments and expectations of others. As a result, often inner conflicts that sometimes settle in the long term is very painful. In the parent-child relationship, illustrated above can give a picture. Poor self-image and painful situation can also occur in a conjugal relationship and in other interpersonal relationships.

Social life

In social life, the situation is far more complex. If we are strong and beliefs contained by normative rules about how to perform religious rituals and behave the "right" and "should", we may appreciate the "big push" to ensure not only ourselves, but also other people to obey the normative rules them.

We want to make sure not only we who run the rule, but also others. We will use our moral standard to measure others, for messing-compartmentalize groups that exist in society, perhaps even forcing others to behave according to our view about the truth.

So then can happen to discrimination and violence on the other parties are considered bad in the name of faith or religious teaching. The situation is worse again when religious beliefs become politicized and exploited for the benefit of outside religions (eg, economic gain to sell product X, Y president won election in which a leader may be considered only men, or only people from religion Y).

Global Issues

The world today is full of problems; increasingly congested and narrow for occupancy, the more need of courage and "heart attitude" to compete and beat the other party. In such situations, fear and suspicion between groups can become increasingly sharp. As a result, discrimination and violence are also more prone to occur.

In one parallel session in Law and Punishment of the conference held at the University of Indonesia, Depok, 28 November-1 December 2010, presented by Prof. Dr. Marilyn Porter of Canada that the Canadian real friction-friction also occurs between groups. If minority groups in Indonesia (in the broad sense) as if being forced to become "equal" and should not be different, so also in Quebec, a province in Canada, which tends to homogeneous and filled with French-speaking Canadians. And the more vulnerable seems the same, namely women, whose behavior and how berbusananya set-set.

In Indonesia, Muslim women who did not rule the head may comment on "less religious". In Quebec, Muslim women who want to close the head may be ready to be discriminated against. So, the issue is not on religion or belief flow of X, Y, and Z, but on how people interpret. Is religion to be mere ideology to be exploited for their own interests, or the spirituality that really liberating, enlivening, and reconcile?
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4 Most Popular Lies

Do you know, at the age of 60 years, a man never did lie about 100,000 times and the woman lied about 50,000 times.

"Every day, on average, a man says things that are not honest as much as six times and women about three times," said Dr.Phil McGraw, psychologist who often become informants in this Oprah Winfrey Show.

Doing these little lies, according to Matthew Fitzgerald, sometimes it is necessary to maintain a relationship. "Usually the men lied to know what is really desirable partner. While women lie for different reasons, but mainly to keep his heart so as not to hurt," he said.

In general, according to Phil there are 4 a lie that is often spoken of men and women.

- I'm fine.
- I've heard this before
- It's cheap anyway, I buy when there are discounts
- I'm sick head

- I am fine
- These glasses of alcohol / cigarettes last
- You do not look fat
- I was on my way to your place
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Laughter, Exercise for the Heart

Want to know the secret of a healthy heart? Maybe the doctor will write a prescription for laughs 1 x 15 minutes each day. A study shows that laughter can improve blood circulation if performed regularly will be a protector of the powerful heart disease. Do not believe?

Right! Researchers from Maryland Medical Center asked 20 healthy adults to watch scenes from two different films, a comedy film and the other war movies. As they watch, the researchers monitor the work function of their arteries. After watching a funny video, volunteer blood vessels dilated by 22 percent and narrowed 35 percent after seeing the scenes of warfare.

Widening will keep the blood flowing through blood vessels without the pain and makes the heart and arteries to contract. "It also happens when we do aerobic exercise," said Michael Miller, MD, one of the researchers.

Laughter can trigger the release of nitric oxide, are compounds that will make relaxing blood cells, "added Miller. Plus, this compound will also release endorphins, hormones that assignment to repair blood vessels. Advice from Miller, spend at least 15 minutes to really laugh every day.
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Get Fit with Pilates Gymnastics

In order to get the ideal posture, usually determined by the spine are good also. This can be obtained from regular exercise. Well, gymnastics became one of the choices.

Many exercises that promise the formation of good posture. Call it Taebo and Yoga. Finally, there are also other types of sports bodies are capable of and considered to be very useful to form the body posture pilates.

In the United pilates lately become well-liked even by Hollywood celebrities. A series of artist from Uncle Sam like Madonna, Jennifer Anniston, Michelle Pfeiffer, Uma Thurman, Claire Danes, Sharon Stone also undergo this exercise,

How does this pilates exercises? Gymnastics Pilates instructor Lisa met in Tribunnews at Lisa's House @ Strikezone Level 2 Tribun Baseball-Softball Field Gate 1 Senayan, Jakarta said that Pilates exercise is an exercise method developed by Joseph Pilates in the early 20th century. This method focuses on flexibility and flexibility throughout the body.

"Exercise can improve posture less than perfect and also to correct the problems associated with spinal disorders," explained Lisa.

Lisa also menambahkanbahwa movements in gymnastics is a combination amtara pilatelis art, sports of the East with the West. At first glance, his movements look like Yoga, but different.

Movements in this sebam assisted by several tools. In every movement is accompanied by special breathing techniques in practice in every movement.

"The technique used is not breath with the abdomen or chest, but with the diaphragm, insulation between the chest and abdomen, so it will mempelancarkan circulation of blood and oxygen to the brain more quickly," he explained.

The basic movement in Pilates exercise that has existed since the 1920s is more emphasis on concentration, breathing, centering motion, motion control, precision in movement, isolation of muscle being trained, and routines.

"The core of the movement pilates exercise more muscles of the abdomen, lower back, hips and buttocks, where the muscles are trained not only the outer muscle, but also muscles in the (deep muscle) are rarely used as the focus of regular gym workout. Enablement muscle in the body will have an impact on muscle strength and better flexibility, "explained Lisa.

Mother of two children who also claimed to have a lot of celebrities who have tried the homeland of his program is. Call it Annisa Pohan, Adina Bakrie, Happy Salma, Cornelia Agatha, Cut Tari, Maudy Koesnadi, Marcella Zalianty, Titi DJ, Angelina Sondakh and several other artists.

Lisa also added that all movements in pilates looks very easy and light. But, for beginners will be very heavy indeed, considering his movement is not done repeatedly, such as movements in aerobics.

When doing Pilates, movement accuracy, combined with correct breathing pattern will make a person become the focus and and have better reflexes.

"Because not a cardio workout, pilates no sweat drain or push the heart rate. This should be done in the frequency with which trained quite often are the abdominal muscles, lower back, around the hips, and buttocks," added this veiled woman.
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Yawning Is there any benefit?

Every person, even since I was in the womb, has evaporated. Most vertebrate species, even birds and fish also evaporate, or at least make a move like a yawn. However, psychological mechanisms, the purpose and significance of yawning activity is still a mystery to the experts.

Actually had quite a lot of research trying to uncover the benefits of this yawning. But research carried out Dr.Adrian G. Guggisberg and published in the journal Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews mentions none of the theories that are proven.

Father of medicine Hippocrates states will evaporate out the "dirty air" and increase "good air" into the brain. In the modern view, the theory is defined as activities evaporate will increase oxygen levels in the blood and reduce carbon dioxide.

According Guggisberg, if the theory is correct, then it should be people who are exercising more often evaporate. Moreover, people with lung or heart disease are often deprived of oxygen, it turns out menguapnya same frequency with healthy people.

In a measurement of healthy people who are also known to high carbon dioxide levels, not yawn more frequently. In fact there is no research that can prove that the oxygen levels in the brain can change because of a yawn.

In other words, the research shows the best way to increase oxygen levels in the blood is to inhale more often, not yawn.

The frequency of yawning usually increases before and after waking. Feeling bored and tired also can cause us to yawn more often. Then came the hypothesis of yawning will make us more fresh.

When the researchers tried to prove through the observation of brain activity using EEG (encephalography), did not find any sense of cautious improvement in the brain or central nervous system.

Guggisberg also mentioned that the activity does not evaporate can help equalize the pressure in the ear because this function can be replaced by swallowing or chewing.

He argues it is not contagious yawning really like the theory that recently disclosed researchers from the United States. "A solitary species was also yawning, so not only humans and chimpanzees are social creatures that evaporate," he said.

Researchers from the University of Geneva, Switzerland, said yawning is a rich and complex phenomenon. Currently we are not able to uncover the mystery of yawning, but later there will be experts who can explain to us what exactly the benefits of these activities that seem trivial.
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13 Facts about Sperm

Maybe a lot of people who already know where it came from sperm and its function in the process of egg fertilization. However, sperm actually still have a lot of interesting secrets that have not been revealed. Dr. David Shin, head of the Center for Sexual Health & Fertility of Hackensack University Medical Center, United States, to share information about the 13 facts about sperm, which are as follows:

1. Sperm is produced in the testes and it took 10 weeks to mature.

2. Mature sperm can wait up to 2 weeks in the "waiting room" called the epididymis before they debuted. The epididymis is a circular channel located at the very top and back of the testis. Its function is to channel sperm.

3. Sperm only contributes 5 percent of the total volume of seminal fluid. The rest consists of a liquid medium which provides nutrients and protection of sperm so he could travel to the female reproductive tract.

4. Healthy men produce 70-150 million sperm every day.

5. Sperm can live up to 5 days in the womb. This explains why someone can get pregnant a few days after ovulation (release of egg cells).

6. Y sperm, which would produce a baby boy, swim faster than X sperm, which will produce a baby girl. Y chromosome is smaller and has less genetic material than X chromosome

7. Human sperm measuring about 55 microns. In comparison, approximately the size of a human hair is 100 microns.

8. Sperm comes from the Greek, meaning "seed".

9. Sperm can only swim forward, not backward.

10. Normal sperm has a head, bit the middle, and tail. Abnormal sperm could have two heads or two tails.

11. In the United States, men in New York has a sperm count 50 percent more than men in Los Angeles.

12. Linger in the sauna or hot bath can reduce sperm count.

13. Lubricants, lotions, and saliva can cause reduced sperm movement.
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Addicted to masturbation, What Impact?

Masturbation is one of sexual behavior that is often done when a person is unable to resist his sexual urge. Because of the lack of information, there are many false myths that circulate about masturbation and masturbation. One of them mentioned that sexual behavior is causing infertility.

If masturbation becomes a habit and do quite often, then it will indeed result in temporary infertility. According to Dr. Maya Trisiswati, in order to fertilize egg cells, sperm cells have matured first.

"It took 72 hours for sperm cells to mature. If the frequently issued through masturbation, the sperm can not mature and can not fertilize," said the doctor who became Kadiv Access and Services Family Planning Association of Indonesia.

Therefore, for couples who are planning a pregnancy, should masturbation or sexual intercourse should not be done every day so that sperm cells can mature.

He added that medically there is no adverse effect of masturbation. "All done with clean hands and without tools, is fine masturbation or masturbation. It's much healthier than multiple partners," he explained in an event workshop on sexual and reproductive health, some time ago in Bandung.

Although no impact medically, Dr. Maya remind the psychological impact of the habit of masturbation. When you become a habit and then dependence, this behavior can affect brain development. "What they thrive is the brain that lead to pleasure that can lead to obsessive compulsive behaviors," he said.

Too often perform masturbation or masturbation also shows our inability to control sexual drive, which means our mind more full of things that are erotic.
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Through a scanning method (scan) Specifically, the experts at Rutgers University in the United States managed to uncover a secret that occurs in the female brain during orgasm.

One important finding is the extraordinary sexual stimulation can make her nervous system such as 'disabled'. These stimuli provide a broad impact on the area of women's brains, so they feel the pleasure.

According to the researchers, the moment of orgasm affects nearly 30 different areas in the brains of women, including areas that affect emotion, feeling, pleasure, satisfaction and retention.

In his study, the researchers asked eight volunteers woman to perform sexual stimulation in itself. The volunteers lie behind the blanket while undergoing magnetic resonance imaging scan (MRI).

Most volunteers only takes less than five minutes to reach orgasm. Although some of the other takes 20 minutes. Meanwhile, MRI scanners continue to take brain images every two seconds. This is intended to find out where the active parts of the brain during orgasm.

Researchers found that two minutes before orgasm, the brain region that regulates 'reward' or award becomes active. This area is usually active when someone is eating or drinking.

Shortly before reaching the summit, other areas of the brain also affected such as sensors cortex, which receive messages 'touch' of other body parts. So it is with the thalamus, which convey signals to other body parts.

When he began to have an orgasm, other brain regions became active, such as brain areas that regulate emotions. Last area of the brain that are activated hypothalamus, which regulates temperature, hunger thirst and fatigue.

At the same time, other areas which are responsible for arranging pleasure also becomes active - the nucleus accumbens. So it is with the caudate nucleus, brain regions that govern memory, or memory.

"In women, orgasm cause a very large response to the brain and body," said Barry Komisaruk, a researcher from Rutgers University.

"Some women raised her hand several times in each session for a few seconds. So, the proof is that women tend to have an orgasm is longer and experience it several times in a short time in a row," Komisaruk said.

He added that the woman's orgasm can last on average between 10 to 15 seconds, while the male orgasm is only about six seconds.
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Great Sex, 10 Minutes Enough

A new fact, do not need sex marathon all night to make her chuckle admiringly to you. With only 10 minutes you can get great sex.

10 minutes is not a number that appears just like that, but based on the results of a survey of 50 members of professional associations of sex therapists who often do counseling people with sexual problems. Based on their experience, the time required for activities that hot sex was no need for too long, but also not too fast.

According to experts, the time of 1-2 minutes is too short, while the 3-7 minutes is acceptable, and more than 13 minutes too long. When lovemaking between 7dan 13 minutes considered a "desired time" to achieve satisfaction.

Eric Corty, researchers from Penn State University, United States, say, popular culture has led to ideas that are not realistic about the ideal time to make love.

"Many men and women who believe their fantasies will have sex all night. In fact, in fact, it could lead to disappointment. We hope this survey can drive out the fantasy and encourage men and women are more realistic," says Corty.
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Tired, Absent Reasons Sex

Every person no matter how high his experience in bed, occasionally will experience fatigue and sleepiness, so loss of sexual desire. However, do not let this goes on too long.

If you keep busy to and fro, working overtime 24 / 7, you will immediately get a sexual problem. So the message William Kohler, Director of Sleep Medicine in Tampa Florida. "There are many things that cause them less and less sleep partner noticed. The problem is lack of sleep can reduce our passion for many things," he explained.

When you include people who recently more and more rarely enjoy sex for reasons of fatigue before, you are not alone. Research conducted in the United States reveals, 50 percent of adults in the U.S. shy away from sex because they felt too tired and sleepy.

Barry McCarthy, PhD, sex therapist from Washington DC, recalled the importance of quality sleep. "Healthy people who have quality sleep patterns will be more open to sexual activity," he said.

The problem is, most people do not immediately close their eyes once they are in the bed. "They still read e-mail, SMS reply or chatting on the phone," said McCarthy.

He added, takes about an hour as a transitional period of relaxation before sleep. "If you're going to sleep at 11, at least not all activities should cease at 10.15. This means turning off the TV or stop opening the computer. Many things can wait until tomorrow morning," he advised.

To improve your sexual performance, experts recommend that you be more relaxed. Find time to relax and do not let stress control your life. "Lowering stress and provide more time for yourself will affect your sexual desire," said Dr. Beth Alexander, an adviser to sexual problems.

In addition to adequate sleep and a relaxed mind, another thing that is needed is a man of stamina. Of course this can you get from regular physical exercise.

When all have been tried, but you still feel out of energy to make love, McCarthy recommends that you and your partner to find another time to make love. "Try having sex in the morning or the afternoon. Next time try at the time the children were not home," he advised.

Noteworthy is that you do not have to force myself to make love when the body is tired. You get maybe just disillusionment.

However, to maintain intimacy with your partner, there's nothing wrong before going to sleep you both give each other attention. Hugging and touching each other to tell me recall pleasant memory in the past, for example.

"It's important to understand each partner desires. Intimacy does not have to end with sex. Cozy atmosphere that is created can take you on a deep sleep or great sex," said McCarthy.
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Healthy Tips for Eating Meat

Many of us who still believe that red meat such as beef, lamb, or pork, is one of the biggest causes of heart disease. In fact, if the meat is selected and processed correctly, we can reduce levels of saturated fat in it, avoiding early wrinkles, clogged arteries, and also increased cholesterol. Here's how:

1. Choose the best. If you want to buy meat, choose a fresh, new, and has the lowest fat content.

2. Without fat. As a buyer, you can ask for lean meat chosen to the seller. Usually in big supermarkets, lean meat is more easily found because it has been labeled "no fat".

3. Discard the fat. Cut and discard the fat that is still attached to the meat before it is processed.

4. Boiled or roasted. Sports meat with boiled or baked rather than fried as it will only add fat and cholesterol content. If you still want to fry the meat, use olive oil which has proven very effective in fighting cholesterol.

5. Remove oil. Remove excess oil and calories in a grilled meat using tissue oil.

6. Know the limit. Reduce consumption of meat, ie no more than one piece of meat or about 85 grams of red meat a week.

It turned out very easy right? Eating low fat and contain no saturated fats can make you 6 years of age look younger.
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Slim Secrets: eat well without Calorie Count

Calculate your calorie intake was not the key factor in both the lower and maintain your ideal weight.
Based on large-scale study of diets in Europe, the best way to cut weight is to eat sekenyangnya, provided a menu that is eaten the right foods, like meat, beans, and cold pasta.

A study in Britain concluded that the method of calorie counting based diet during this was not effective. To make the body stay slim, someone would have to eat the right foods without limitation amount.

The conclusion was drawn by researchers after comparing five different types of diets. They found that the model most appropriate and effective in slimming is a high-protein diet plus glycemic index (GI) is low, in which there are types of foods such as lean meat, fish, eggs, and some types of nuts.

This diet is also based on the carbohydrate with a low GI, such as wheat bread and brown rice. Such foods are slowly digested by the body and make the stomach full longer. Blood sugar levels also remained stable.

According to the researchers, these foods cold or frozen will also be digested slowly and have a lower GI. The cold pasta contains more insoluble carbohydrates or called resistant starch, which can slow digestion.

Scientists who initiated this research, Professor Arne Astrup of the University of Copenhagen, Denmark, claiming that the findings could be one solution to reduce the obesity epidemic.

"For years we have been giving wrong advice about how to lose weight and prevent obesity. Calculating calories does not work and may make matters worse semikin for not seeing clearly different types of food," he said.

The composition of this new diet, go Astrup, believed to be more effective to help maintain ideal weight. "This diet is higher in protein and foods with low GI, and you may be food as much as you want," Astrup said that his research published in the journal The New England Journal of Medicine.

Astrup and his team in Europe to monitor the 772 families consisting of 938 adults and 827 children. Adult volunteers who are obese and suffer from obesity are required to follow the traditional diet worth 800 calories per day for 8 weeks and managed to lose an average of 10 kg. They were then asked to choose one of 5 types of diets to see which model is most effective weight loss.

Five options are diet is a diet low in protein and high GI, low protein and low GI, high protein and low GI, high protein and high GI, while the fifth group was not given food restriction guidelines IG.

The results showed, the low GI diet high in protein was recorded as the group who experienced minimal weight gain, whereas low-protein high-GI group at most weight increased by an average of 1.5 kg. The children also benefit from high-protein diet despite their low GI diet is not specifically. At the end of the study, the number of children who are overweight dropped to 39 percent.
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Food Introduction to Sleep

After busy with activities all day, fatigue is often hit us. One way to eliminate fatigue as well as gather new energy is to sleep quality. Unfortunately, not everyone can just sleep when I got a bed.

There are various ways you can do to invite sleep, one of them through food intake. You'll often hear the advice to drink warm milk before bed to sleep soundly. Why is that? Foods that contain milk are rich in tryptophan, which will stimulate the release of the hormone melatonin. Other foods that contain tryptophan include poultry meat, bananas, honey and oats. Carbohydrate-rich foods also can increase levels of tryptophan in the blood. Therefore you can combine carbohydrate snack with milk products, like yogurt and krakers, or bread and cheese. Even so, make sure diasup portion is not too large, because it actually makes the digestive system works hard. This will make the stomach feel uncomfortable so that sleep could be disturbed.

You also increase the production of melatonin by eating cherries. High content of melatonin in cherry leather is highly recommended for those who suffer from insomnia. For maximum results, after eating cherries relax the muscles of the body we could with a shower using hot water.

For quality sleep, you should avoid foods high in fat. Research shows that people often mengasup high-fat foods more often experience sleep disturbances in the sleep cycle.

Other foods to avoid are foods and beverages that contain caffeine, like coffee, tea, cola, chocolate, and some types of drugs. Also avoid foods that are too spicy because it can cause stomach discomfort.
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Healthy Beverage List!

All would have nodded in agreement when he heard the sermon that drinking water is essential for health. Not quite got there, we always follow the rules can be indoctrinated to drink 8 glasses of water a day. Because consume enough water to minimize bloating, headaches, to slow down wrinkles.

What if we already bored with plain water? List below five drinks can be an alternative healthy choices.

1. Orange juice.
Benefits: protective jatung disease.
Content of antioxidants in orange juice will help protect the heart, by fighting inflammation which can eventually cause damage to blood vessels. The study included in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition showed that people who ate fast food with a glass of orange juice, has a free radical arteries a little more, than people who eat burgers and fries with water. It's just still watch the sugar content in it.

2. Chamomile tea.
Benefits: make peace.
A study conducted the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia, finding people who menyereput chamomile tea every day for 2 months, will feel less anxious. Turn on the mellow us to drink a cup of chamomile tea before bed each.

3. Cranberry juice.
Benefit: prevent gum disease and urinary tract infections.
Naturally occurring compounds that exist in the juice will prevent bacteria to stick to the teeth under the gum line. 227 grams of cranberry also will provide 39% of our daily requirement of vitamin C, increase good cholesterol, and keep our urinary tract health.

4. Milk chocolate.
Benefits: keep the stomach flat.
One glass of fat-free chocolate milk can provide intake combo will carbohydrates and protein, which can help us restore the body after exercise ended.

Athletes who drink fat-free chocolate milk after an intense practice for 4 days, have a level of muscle damage is much smaller than athletes who drink water or beverages other restorer, according to findings presented in the meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine in Seattle. And that just means will reduce pain and fatigue. Simply pour boiling water 2 tablespoons powdered or chocolate syrup (the sugar content of less than 20 grams) into the milk without flavor.

5. Green tea.
Benefits: keep body weight stable.
Research on mice that are included in the International Journal of Obesity suggests, the mice who exercised and drank green tea will have a lower body weight increase of 22%, compared to other mice that only regular exercise and drinking tea. The content of polyphenols in green tea will launch the body's metabolic system, and make your body burn fat more easily. Plus, tea is also rich in antioxidants that are good in preventing cancer and heart disease.
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Eating in Front of Computers Make You Fat

Eating habits in front of the computer turns out to have significant effect on your weight, which makes the weight increases faster.
According to the results of a small study, led by Jeffrey Brunstrom from the University of Bristol, UK, eating lunch in front of the computer can stimulate appetite, especially when eating dessert menu (dessert). In the study involved 44 men and women, scientists found that those who ate lunch while play a games are always close by to eat cake more hoses 30 minutes later. The amount of cake eaten more than the volunteers who ate lunch without interruption. Apparently, the problem is that computer users have a more vague memory of the moment of their lunch and feel less full after.

This research indicates that distraction factor such as computers and TVs can change the memory of the meal, which in turn gives the effect on appetite. Brunstrom said the memory of feeding activity will affect the amount of food we eat later. This research seems to support the suggestion that you should spend more time to be aware of what you eat. Some Buddhist groups assert that you should really aware of what you eat."When we remember the bad, then when we will face the next meal, we tend to choose and eat foods with higher numbers," says Brunstrom.
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Eat Fish Fry Trigger Stroke?

The nutrition experts always recommend three types of healthy foods that must be consumed namely fruits, vegetables, and fish. But, whether the fish is processed by frying included in healthy foods?

Apparently not. At least according to a study to see the link between fish consumption and stroke. Surveys conducted in the area called "stroke belt" in America, namely Carolina, Arkansas and Louisiana, because of the high stroke patients in this area, found the majority of the population regularly eat fish, but processed by frying.

Strokes caused by blood vessels that supply nutrients to the brain are blocked due to blockages in blood vessels. As a result, nerve cells that need oxygen to die. All factors that increase the risk of heart disease, such as hypertension and high cholesterol, can also cause a stroke.

According to the study, 32 percent of the population in the region "stroke belt" eating fried fish twice a week, even more, than residents in other areas.

Dr.Fadi Nahab, director of the stroke program at Emory University Hospital, said frying will cause a stroke prevention benefits of fish go missing.

A study conducted in Spain found that when fried in unsaturated fatty acid content of omega-3 found in fish will disappear and be replaced by fat are not healthy. This was mainly on deep-sea fish such as salmon. In other species of fish, a decrease of omega-3 that occur are not as many fish in the sea.

"Eating fish is not enough. Of particular interest is the way of processing," said Nahab. Instead of being fried, he suggested the fish steamed, baked, or made soup.
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